Wednesday 19 February 2014

Re-Inventing the Lamington 2014 Day Six: Pink Grapefruit Lamingtons

Some people don't like grapefruit. I wouldn't trust them if I were you.

What is there not to like? Weirdos.

You can hopefully tell that these lamingtons are supposed to be heart shaped. Well, let me tell you that keeping them that way during the dipping and rolling stage of Lamington Production was almost impossible. Chiffon, though delicious, is rather soft for shaped lams. Stick to the cubes. A little tip from me to you.

Their shape hints at their purpose: Percy likes grapefruit and these were supposed to be valentine gifts. But the light was non existent, I had no choice but to take their photos anyway and I couldn't bear to start the 2014 lamingtons run with such a poor show.

They tasted great though!

Remember that you still have time to Re-Invent the Lamington yourself, and win a beautiful prize. Get to it.

Pink Grapefruit Lamingtons

You will need: 

300g icing sugar, sifted
Juice and zest of 1 pink grapefruit 
100g dessicated coconut

  1. To make slicing the cake into lamingtons easier, I wrap it in cling film and freeze overnight. Cut the frozen cake into 24 cubes, or as many as you like/can. Or try hearts, but don't say I didn't warn you.
  2. Make the glaze: mix the juice, zest and icing sugar together until smooth. If you need to thin it down a little more, use a few drops of hot water from the kettle. Set the coconut in a dish.
  3. Dip each cube of cake into first the glaze and then the coconut. Set aside on a wire rack to dry out.
  4. All campness aside, citrus works great as a glaze here. Feel free to experiment with other types. 


  1. Aww, too cute. That Percy is a lucky man.

  2. bet these are great love grapefruit

    1. My favourites are coming tomorrow. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Mr. P, Fear not. This weekend will be a Lamington bonanza in my kitchen. I've got some crazy ideas brewing.

    1. I am on the edge of my coconut covered seat! :)


That's what he said.