(In which Mr. P gains joy through bitterness.)
I recently had an experience about which I would like to tell you. It involves Krispy Kreme donuts and has a happy ending, though starts off rooted deeply in sad embarrassment for my beloved city of Cardiff.
On our way, we'll move briefly through the wilds of false advertising and the disappointment that it causes too. What can I say? We are today having a morning of moral tales.
Last year, Krispy Creme opened a branch in Cardiff's newest shopping centre. This made the national press and even got a mention on the Visit Cardiff website.
I hang my head in shame.
I have nothing against Krispy Kreme. But really: is having one a reason to visit the Welsh capital? Worthy of an article in the newspaper when they open a new shop? What about our great independent restaurants and bars? What about the farmer's market? If having a Krispy Kreme has put Cardiff on the map, well, I think that's an embarrassment. A real, big, sugar coated embarrassment.
But enough of my moaning about their opening and the excitement it caused. Time to moan about their actual donuts. This past Summer, there was a huge poster campaign for their 'Summer Favourites'. I was ridiculously excited to see that this included a coconut ice donut, although I failed to see the Summer connection. (Is that just me?)
Coconut ice is one of my favourite confections in the whole world. Coconut, icing sugar and condensed milk compacted together to form a wodge of heavenly scented sweetness, it is unbeatable. But don't tell my dentist I said so. He'll be angry.
Basically, I ♥ Coconut Ice.
So imagine my disappointment... The donut version was awful. I was distraught. Raspberry flavoured glaze (there's no raspberry in the original sweet) and a gloopy, artificially flavoured coconut 'crème' filling made up this 'treat'. I felt tears in the corners of my eyes, and ill with grief. Money wasted, the donut was never finished.
Sad face. I should have sued them. Advertising a coconut ice donut without any actual coconut ice flavour. The nerve!
Time passed. I forgot the donut tragedy.
However, when thinking about this year's lamington challenge, I remembered this cake and wanted to try the coconut and raspberry combination again, but as a lamington. I also remembered my love of glazed lamingtons (which I think are not technically lamingtons at all, since we're doing away with the chocolate completely!), and low and behold, that ridiculous Krispy Kreme glaze gave me an idea.
Raspberry glazed coconut lamingtons!
My version uses fresh raspberry purée to create a glaze so luridly pink it actually shocks. Happily, the coconut tempers it somewhat, but it has made me very pleased to note that severe donut disappointment can sometimes end in supreme joy. These are my favourite lamingtons of 2012.
But don't tell the others! They'll dissent.
I give you my Coconut Ice 'Inspired' Lamingtons. Eat them. Profess your love. To them and to me. You'll see.
NB: I made these with left over chiffon from the lamingtons of Day Seven, but you could use butter cake or even make them from this recipe, which would also taste sensational.
Coconut Ice 'Inspired' Lamingtons
You will need:
115g plain flour
150g caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
60ml vegetable oil
5 egg whites
4 egg yolks
90ml coconut milk
40g dessicated coconut
1 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries (defrosted if using frozen)
1 cup icing sugar
hot water as needed
200g dessicated coconut (or even grated fresh coconut, if you had the time and energy)
- Heat the oven to 160°C. Have ready a deep 23cm springform cake tin. Do not grease or line it. If you have a 'not nonstick' (for want of a better description) one, so much the better.
- In a large bowl, mix everything except for the eggs whites and cream of tartar together using a wire whisk, or wooden spoon. Beat everything well until you have a thick, smooth mixture.
- Beat the egg whites until foamy, then add the cream of tartar and beat until stiff peaks are formed. Fold this meringue into the coconut and flour mixture, and transfer to the cake tin.
- Bake for 35 minutes, until the cake is well risen and a cocktail stick inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean.
- Immediately invert the cake, till in its tin, on a wire rack and leave to cool. When it has completely cooled (give it a good hour or so), run a knife round the edge of the pan and un-clip the tin. Remove the base (you'll need to use your knife here too - chiffon cake sticks to the pan!), turn the cake the right way up and cut into squares or whatever shape you like. Hearts would be great here, since the lamingtons are bright, bright pink.
- Make the glaze. Mash the raspberries and icing sugar together, adding hot water as needed to get a mixture that is the consistency of thin cream and lump free. Basically, thin enough to coat the cake cubes but thick enough to stick; adjust quantities of sugar/water as needed. Sorry for cup measurements by the way - I know that grams are more accurate, but with something like this glaze, you can pretty much just wing it.
- Dip the cake cubes into the glaze and then roll in the coconut. Allow to set before eating the majority, but allow yourself and a loved one a couple of them while still wet: these are truly delicious.
Please say hi to Kewpie for me! Absolutely adorable.
ReplyDeleteWhat's a coconut ice with no coconut. I am confused. What is coconut ice? Whatever, these lams look awesome.
I love the colour ^^
ReplyDeletei feel happiness whenever I see bright colours xD
Yes!! I LOVE Lamingtons! Happy Australia Day! I make some as part of my around the world.in eighty bakes challenge. My friend and I had a debate over whether Lamingtons are pink or brown. I said brown but I found out it can be both! Apparently the pink ones are English versions. So I made both types just to be sure. oh so messy but oh so tasty! :) loving your challenge!
ReplyDeletethese r like the "Zingers" I made in the contest in year one. GREAT JOB! The combo of rasp/coconut is super yummy!
ReplyDeleteYay! Coconut ice, I love coconut ice it's so delicious. Will definitely have to give these lamingtons a go.
ReplyDeleteI did my own post on coconut ice the other day, would love to hear your opinions on it :)